Whether you're reading with a youngster one on one or reading to an entire group, bring the story to life and make it a memorable experience by adding a few story activities to enhance the experience!  Here are a few basic ideas you may want to try...
  • Make up 8-10 questions about the story and write each one on a piece of paper. Draw a question and then discuss! 
  • Enhance the story environment!  Relate a scene from the story you are reading by creating a "real life" experience.  For example, if the story is about cookies, you could share a "cookie snack".  If the story is about camping, maybe you could read the story together in a makeshift "tent". How about sharing some "Green Eggs and Ham"? If you're reading one of my Elf books, maybe you'd like to try sharing a cup of cocoa after the story.  I'm sure you can easily imagine all the endless possibilities.  
  • Make a set of "Listening Ears" that you can wear while reading the story together!  It's a big hit if you're reading to a group who all have their listening ears on when discussing the story.  Just double click the Listening Ears for Little Elves project page image below to enlarge and then save to your computer and then follow the instructions!  Enjoy...
Click, Save and Craft a pair of Annie Lang's Elf Ears for storytelling fun