
Showing posts with the label wheelbarrow


Here's a quick and easy way to add a folksy look to any decorative planter, container or any other creative surface you may have onhand.  Whether it's terra cotta pots, a wooden * wheelbarrow like the pictured sample or a simple metal bucket, anyone can paint this design up super quick with only a few craft paints and basic brushes.  Paint colors used for the original design shown are white, dark green, yellow, orange and country red but you can use any colors of your choice.  I used DecoArt patio paints that hold up well for outdoor use, but you can use craft paints and then seal with clear finish when paint has dried. Below you'll find the repeatable design you can use as a pattern or coloring guide.  Use a flat brush to paint checkerboard squares, round brushes for the flowers and a liner to paint freestyle lines through the squares.  To download the design, just click the image below and save to your computer.  Enjoy! *NOTE:  The pictured wheelbarrow is no longer